Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sweets Paradise Shinjuku & 250円 Bento

Even before I landed in Tokyo I wanted to check out the really awesome looking pasta and dessert buffet.
Did anyone mention pasta!?
It's my favoriteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!
ヾ(@⌒_⌒@)ノ ウマヒィ
I could eat pasta all day everyday!!
My mom even warned me that if I continued this unhealthy obsession one day I would end up marrying a man who sells/cooks pasta for a living.
..・ヾ(。><)シ ぎょぇぇぇ

On the way to スイーパラ~

Hachiko Statue at the Shinjuku Station Hachiko Exit

And finally we're here!!

Colourful interior of Sweets Paradise
Somehow I looked rather weird that day so...
Here's the supersize picture of the half-eaten [sorry!!] cakes I took.
It's always been a habit of mine to enlarge food pictures.
( ̄▼ ̄*)ニヤッ 

Banana Sponge Roll, Almond Pudding, Cream Cheese Baguette, Tiramisu & New York Cheesecake
まいう~ のピッザ
o( _ _ )o

Plain Margherita Pizza

Instead of using a normal spoon like everyone else I chose this kiddy Teddy Bear spoon instead.
It's just soooo cute it makes eating so much fun!!
[恥ずかしいけど...I have tons of cutleries like this in London.]

Also on a totally unrelated note, I bought a bottle of green tea just to get this free K-On keychain for my brother. Lucky he didn't force me to collect the entire collection or I would be drinking green tea throughout my entire trip in Tokyo.
 ̄Д ̄

The 250円 each bento!!
Well, 262円 including tax to be precise.
I was really sceptical about the taste of the food but it was surprisingly good!!
The shop is open for 24 hours †ヽ(゚ロ゚;)キェーッ! and is just around the corner from my hotel in Asakusa.

Sukiyaki Beef Bento [I LOVE the sweet peas at the top left corner. IT IS AMAZING!!]

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