Tuesday, November 12, 2013

迷宮の国のアリス Alice In A Labyrinth

(*^з^●) /~~~ オヒサ~♪
It's been a while but I've been busy getting myself settled down for my year in Japan.
The ridiculous amount of work and classes you get is the price you pay for wanting to enter a top-notch university.

As usual, my fascination for themed restaurants has got the better of me.
I've visited a few different ones nearly 10 times since I arrived one and a half months ago!!
びゃははは (≧ω≦)b
And now the only major themed restaurant that I haven't visited is the Pirates one in Odaiba.
Too far.

This time it's another Alice restaurant in a different location.

The interior is much smaller and feels rather crowded as compared to the ones in Shibuya and Shinjuku. However this was the first Alice restaurant where I actually saw other foreigners.

To be more specific:
One of the waitresses was American and I was incredibly impressed up till the point where she fumbled and failed to describe the drink that was served to me.
Nor was she able to say anything other than smile at me.
Apart from the few necessary phrases it seemed like she couldn't speak Japanese very well.
Not that I'm excellent (I'm terrible too!! >.<)
but I thought that the restaurant should have been more stringent in screening their applicants.
Wonder how she got the job.

Sadly the Tea Cup seat is reserved for big groups only. T^T

The customary table layout.
And now for the thing that always gets me really excited about visiting Alice restaurants~!!
♪~♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪~♪ランラン


The Menu~!!

This time I managed to make it here on the day before their Halloween campaign ended so the special menu was still available.

Jack O Lantern - Alcoholic Cocktail with Mango Liqueur, Orange Juice and Mango Juice
Ghost Night - Alcoholic Cocktail with Coffee Liqueur and Cola
Trick or Treat - Dessert Plate (Details below!! Yes I ordered it!!)
*Mostly just because I wanted to add another figurine to my lucky draw collection.

The best part of the special Halloween menu is that each person who orders something out of the menu will receive a random Alice in Wonderland character figurine.
In my 4 previous visits I managed to NOT draw the same character twice BUT I still did not get the White Rabbit figurine which was the one I really wanted.

Specially available for the branch in Ginza only is the collaboration with model AMO, who designed the Lunatic Lemony Lollipop cocktail, available in both alcoholic or non-alcoholic versions.

I was in no mood for alcohol, especially not when I was alone, so non-alcoholic it is for me~!!

Moving on to the normal cocktail menu...
That folds out to look like the Mad Hatter's Top Hat.

And the prettiest menu of all the branches!!

It's ridiculously amazing that this diorama is actually foldable and if you take a closer look at the clock, it actually moves!!
Everything is hand crafted to perfection and the designer of this diorama must be one hell of a crazy guy. Or girl.

Even the lights are real~!! (゜ロ゜)ギョェ 
It's no surprise that I still can't figure out how the diorama works but it's time to move on to the next part - the decorations!!

Everything's Halloween themed!!
Why is Halloween such a big deal in Japan?
Well for starters its a great opportunity for people to hold parties, dress up and get wild.
Though to be honest no one actually knows what they're celebrating or what Halloween really means.

The customary skull and Jack-O-Lantern.
And then my drink arrived~

With a vial of mysterious looking blue potion.
The beautiful star shaped thingys are actually ice, much to my disappointment.
I was hoping they would be jellies of some sort.

As you can see the drink is originally pink in colour.
As Pink Lemonade should be.
But what happens when you add in the blue potion??

Every last drop...
And the lemonade turns blue.

I've got to say though that I think it looked much more appetising in pink.
But taste wise I figured the blue liquid might actually just be lemon liqueur because the whole thing tasted of nothing more than lemons.

Next, the Amuse-Bouche. 

Wasn't exactly sure what the white goo was initially but it turned out to be melted cheese of some sort.
I half wanted it to be condensed milk but I guess it's not possible to serve something sweet at the start of the meal.

For the main course, as usual, I ordered my favourite Spaghetti.
I usually get torn between cream sauces or tomato based sauces but I always end up giving in to the tomato based one purely due to the fact that it comes in the form of a grinning Cheshire Cat.

Aubergine Spaghetti Bolognese
He's looking at you~!! (・∀・)ニヤニヤ 
And finally the much awaited dessert plate~!!

Trick or Treat~!! (^-^)o ぐー
I always appreciate the intricate details. ^_^
Mr Choux Pastry Cheshire Cat with Apple Flavoured Vanilla Mousse and Whipped Cream (Lots and lots of it!!)
Mr Biscuit Bat and Red Velvet Macaroon on a Base of Fruit Compote
Mr Sugar Choux Pumpkin on top of Kiwi and Strawberry Puree and Whipped Cream (again!!)
Mr Not-Sure-Who-It-Is Tart made from Whipped Cream, Pumpkin Mousse and topped with a Chocolate and Marshmallow Top Hat 
Mr Green Tea Roll Cake Caterpillar
I think the choux pastry on top of Mr. Caterpillar is supposed to be a ghost but...
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

The eyes actually look rather creepy...
The Whole Family
The wonderful part of these seasonal things is that they're always created to perfection and filled with creativity and really fun to eat.
The not-so-wonderful part is that you'll never be able to eat them again.

ヾ(@⌒_⌒@)ノ ウマヒィ

Here's to hoping that they'll bring back something similar next year!!

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