Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sweets Paradise Shinjuku & 250円 Bento

Even before I landed in Tokyo I wanted to check out the really awesome looking pasta and dessert buffet.
Did anyone mention pasta!?
It's my favoriteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!
ヾ(@⌒_⌒@)ノ ウマヒィ
I could eat pasta all day everyday!!
My mom even warned me that if I continued this unhealthy obsession one day I would end up marrying a man who sells/cooks pasta for a living.
..・ヾ(。><)シ ぎょぇぇぇ

On the way to スイーパラ~

Hachiko Statue at the Shinjuku Station Hachiko Exit

And finally we're here!!

Colourful interior of Sweets Paradise
Somehow I looked rather weird that day so...
Here's the supersize picture of the half-eaten [sorry!!] cakes I took.
It's always been a habit of mine to enlarge food pictures.
( ̄▼ ̄*)ニヤッ 

Banana Sponge Roll, Almond Pudding, Cream Cheese Baguette, Tiramisu & New York Cheesecake
まいう~ のピッザ
o( _ _ )o

Plain Margherita Pizza

Instead of using a normal spoon like everyone else I chose this kiddy Teddy Bear spoon instead.
It's just soooo cute it makes eating so much fun!!
[恥ずかしいけど...I have tons of cutleries like this in London.]

Also on a totally unrelated note, I bought a bottle of green tea just to get this free K-On keychain for my brother. Lucky he didn't force me to collect the entire collection or I would be drinking green tea throughout my entire trip in Tokyo.
 ̄Д ̄

The 250円 each bento!!
Well, 262円 including tax to be precise.
I was really sceptical about the taste of the food but it was surprisingly good!!
The shop is open for 24 hours †ヽ(゚ロ゚;)キェーッ! and is just around the corner from my hotel in Asakusa.

Sukiyaki Beef Bento [I LOVE the sweet peas at the top left corner. IT IS AMAZING!!]

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Namco Namja Town [Part 3]

(=∇=)ノ~ DOMO♪
This is the last post of Namco Namja Town~!!
Not much to say so just enjoy the pictures~!! ^_^

Baker Cat and Angel Cat
Baker Cat and Fairy Creatures In A Van
Beautiful Venetian Decor
Beautiful Venetian Decor
Beautiful Venetian Decor

Pipe Organ
Top of Pipe Organ
Engrossed with an ancient pinball machine.
Baker Cat Again!!
Secret Hidden Area
Mermaid Fountain
Reminds me of Cinderella's Pumpkin Carriage.
That's all nyan~!! 
Stay tuned for the next awesome post!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Namco Namja Town [Part 2]

(*^з^●) /~~~ オヒサ~♪
Here's the update for the second part of my adventure in Namco Namja Town!!
After having ice-cream, we proceeded to the haunted part of Namja Town.
And this was what we saw to greet us.


A giant monster cat with an extending neck and loud growl and disgusting breath!!
All for real!!
The cat started growling and extending it's head once I went near to it.
Does it hate me??
The Entrance

There was a giant demon monster chair next to the entrance with various people's pictures on the wall next to it.
It didn't take us long to realise that you could take pictures with it for around ¥400.
After paying and taking the picture, my classmate didn't know where to collect it.
I figured it would come out from the monster's mouth.
It really did.
Demon Monster Photo Machine
We walked past this freaky looking cage where you could go in to take pictures.

My super evil classmate told me nothing would happen but when I sat down on the chair...
The demon started growling and the chair started shaking and I got so scared I ran out.

Still managed to get a picture though.

Off to the Mononoke Detective Team Game!!

Entrance to collect the spirit cat

Basically what you do is to pay ¥600 for the spirit cat figurine and you carry it around with you.
You then search for quiz machines where you can place the cat and answer quizzes about Japanese demon folklore to rescue all the other cat spirits that have been kidnapped by the demon king.

Me and the cute kitty figurine that kept meowing non-stop

Unfortunately in the end we only managed to answer one question correctly.
It was almost impossible to get all of them correct!!
Even the Japanese couldn't answer them!!
The questions were like: Who is the Demon King of the Sea??
( ̄〜 ̄;)??
Cat spirits popping out everywhere
And this has got to be the scariest part of it all.
After pressing the buzzer near the counter, a cute cat's voice welcomes you and after that...
A head of a ghost drops down to scare you.

Omikuji [Fortune Papers] Stand
Kappa Hall
Mononoke Okashi [Sweets] Shop
Demon Shrine
Demon Cat Lantern
Demon-style Adult Ceremony
Haunted abandoned school with the students hands rapping on the door. DO NOT TOUCH or you'll be in for a surprise like I did. 
Crystal Skull
Vampire Tree
Quiz Machine
Spirit Cat in a Urinal. Why!!??
Haunted Toilet
Entrance to the Haunted Hotel which we didn't enter.
Scary exterior of the hotel.

Feeling scared yet??

( ̄ ̄▽ ̄ ̄) ニコッ 


Anyways here's a bonus picture for all you curious people out there to erase the scary images of haunted demon cats off your minds.

Me in the embarassing maid outfit!! Eeep!! (●´艸`)ヾ 

[To Be Continued]